Quick lasagne

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50 min



Introduce a little charm to your lasagne because this is a quick recipe ideal for different moulds that will delight everyone with their creative shapes.





  1. In a 20×20 cm baking dish, lay penne side by side to create a base. Then add a layer of meat sauce and a layer of zucchini slices.
  2. Slice zucchini lengthwise and fry until softened on a greased pan.
  3. Cook pasta in salted water until al dente, drain and cool.
  4. Beat eggs, season with salt and pepper, mix in cooking cream and grated cheese. Pour over lasagne. Bake for 20 minutes in oven preheated to 200°C.
  5. Sauté mincemeat in hot oil, add 500 ml warm water and 100 ml cream, mix in contents of Fant packet and bring to the boil.
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Once baked, leave lasagne to cool a while, then cut into squares.

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You can prepare mini lasagnas in souffle dishes for individual portions.